class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Introduction to version control using git ### Sara Mortara & Andrea SΓ‘nchez-Tapia ### | Β‘liibre! ### 2022-07-06 --- <style type="text/css"> .tiny .remark-code { /*Change made here*/ font-size: 50% !important; } </style> ## today + introduction to git + git setup + first `commit` --- ```r project/ βββ data/ βββ docs/ βββ figs/ βββ R/ * βββ script.R βββ output/ βββ ``` --- ## how to work? ```r project/ βββ data/ βββ docs/ βββ figs/ βββ R/ * βββ script.R βββ output/ * βββ result.csv βββ ``` --- ## how to work? ```r project/ βββ data/ βββ docs/ βββ figs/ βββ R/ * βββ script.R * βββ script_modified.R βββ output/ * βββ result.csv * βββ result2.csv βββ ``` --- ## how to work? ```r project/ βββ data/ βββ docs/ βββ figs/ βββ R/ * βββ script_old.R * βββ script_modified.R βββ output/ * βββ result_to_erase.csv βββ result2.csv * βββ result_final.csv βββ ``` --- ## how to work? ```r project/ βββ data/ βββ docs/ βββ figs/ * βββ old/ βββ R/ * βββ 20220210_script.R βββ output/ * βββ result_final.csv * βββ 20220212_result_final.csv βββ ``` --- background-image:url("./figs/phdcomics.gif") background-size: 40% --- ## and ... + what's the difference between `results_1.csv` e `results_2.csv`? + the date `20220210_script.R` is the date you created the script? or the last modification? + any file was removed? any chunck of code is missing? <center> <img src="" width="250" /> </center> --- ## version control + systems that allow: + record changes through time -- + go back if a mistake was taken -- + understand the difference between two versions of the same file -- + colaboration: __share__ analysis and __work collectivelly__ --- <img src="./figs/logo-git.png" width="200" /> + software __libre__ + distributed (no one has a "main copy") + __clones__ and ___branches___ among computers or users <img src="./figs/GitHub_Logo.png" width="300" /><img src="./figs/gitlab-logo-gray-rgb.png" width="300" /><img src="./figs/btibucket.png" width="300" /> + __web host__ for git repositories (___remotes___) + tools to facilitate colaboration --- <img src="./figs/logo-git.png" width="200" /> + detailed control of __text files__: `.txt`, `.csv`, `.md`, `.R` + can include other type of files (binary) + the user decides __which files__ to include + serves __locally__ and __offline__ + comunicates with __remote servers__ working as _backup_ and distribution (colaboration) ### work > __change__ > __save a version__ > __send version to remote__ --- ## four states + _working directory_: file added to be monitored -> modifications will be tracked -- + _staging area_: `add` files/changes added -- + `commit`: creates a version with added files -- + `push`: sends to the remote new commits __several files per _commit_, several _commits_ per _push___ --- ## a basic workflow (without ramifications) <img src="./figs/basic.png" width="1067" /> --- ## a basic workflow (without ramifications) <img src="./figs/basic_main.png" width="1423" /> -- + sequential commits at one or several computers + you from the past is your best collaborator `<3` --- class: middle, center <img src="./figs/commits.png" width="840" /> --- ## basic git commands (__terminal__) `git init` starts a git repository `git clone URL` clones an already existent repository -- `git status` checks the current status -- `git pull origin main` updates the repository locally -- `git add filename` adds a new file or changes in a file being tracked -- `git commit -m "an informative message"` __creates a version__ --- ## local conection (git) to a remote (GitHub) `git remote -v` list the remote -- `git remote add origin [URL]` add remote -- `git push origin main` - send local _commits_ to github -- `git pull origin main` - pull _commits_ from github to the local computer --- ## workflow - Fist time `git init` -- `git remote add` -- `(...)` -- `git add file1 (new)` -- `(...)` -- `git add file2 (new)` -- `git commit` -- `(...)` -- `git add file1 (modified)` -- `(...)` -- `git add file3 (new)` -- `git commit` -- `git push -u` --- ## next times `git pull origin main` (__essential__) -- `(...)` -- `git add file4` `git add file2 (modified)` `etc.` -- `git commit` -- `git push origin main` --- class: middle, center <svg viewBox="0 0 640 512" style="height:1em;fill:currentColor;position:relative;display:inline-block;top:.1em;" xmlns=""> <path d="M255.03 261.65c6.25 6.25 16.38 6.25 22.63 0l11.31-11.31c6.25-6.25 6.25-16.38 0-22.63L253.25 192l35.71-35.72c6.25-6.25 6.25-16.38 0-22.63l-11.31-11.31c-6.25-6.25-16.38-6.25-22.63 0l-58.34 58.34c-6.25 6.25-6.25 16.38 0 22.63l58.35 58.34zm96.01-11.3l11.31 11.31c6.25 6.25 16.38 6.25 22.63 0l58.34-58.34c6.25-6.25 6.25-16.38 0-22.63l-58.34-58.34c-6.25-6.25-16.38-6.25-22.63 0l-11.31 11.31c-6.25 6.25-6.25 16.38 0 22.63L386.75 192l-35.71 35.72c-6.25 6.25-6.25 16.38 0 22.63zM624 416H381.54c-.74 19.81-14.71 32-32.74 32H288c-18.69 0-33.02-17.47-32.77-32H16c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v16c0 35.2 28.8 64 64 64h512c35.2 0 64-28.8 64-64v-16c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16zM576 48c0-26.4-21.6-48-48-48H112C85.6 0 64 21.6 64 48v336h512V48zm-64 272H128V64h384v256z"></path></svg> # lets set git configurations and convert out RStudio project into a git repository --- ## 0. global configuration ``` git config --global [your name] git config --global [your github email!] ``` --- ## 1. project strucutre ``` project/ * βββ data/ * β βββ raw * β βββ processed βββ docs/ * βββ figs/ βββ R/ * βββ output/ * βββ ``` --- ## 2. git init ``` git status git init git remote -v ``` --- ## 3. git commit 1. Edit your ``` git add git commit -m "I made the changes because it felt good" ``` --- ### 4. RSA key - part 1 RStudio 1. In the RStudio options, look for the option `Preferences > git/svn` 1. Check that git is pointing to a file `git.exe` on windows, mac and linux `/usr/bin/git` 3. If you have never done this, there should be nothing in the RSA key field, click `Create RSA Key`. If you already have something, go to the next step. 5. View the RSA Key, copy the key. It is a key that identifies your computer and we will copy it from --- ### 4. RSA key - part 2 GitHub 1. Log in 2. Find __Settings > SSH and GPG keys > create a ssh__ key 4. In title: your computer name 5. Paste the key that had been copied. 6. Add, OK. __This key configuration only needs to be done once on each computer.__ --- ### 5. Create a new repository on GitHub 1. New repository 2. Enter a name, create as public without a README 3. Copy the SSH key --- ### 6. Adding remote repository `git remote add origin` + paste content with `ctrl + v` `git remote add origin` `git remote -v` --- ### 7. Push and check the remote `git push -u origin main` Go to your remote repository and check if the commit has been added to history --- ## exploring GitHub + What types of files do you recognize? + When the repository was created? + When was the last _commit_? + GitHub: __Issues__ --- ## general tips + GitHub __is not a clowd__ for file _backup_ -- + control only __text files__ (simple text or code) -- + use the file `.gitignore` so git can ignore files that won't be tracked and exist only locally --- ## `.gitignore` + __Git will only control what you add__ -- + __It's not necessary to control all__ (drafts, tests, binary files): the file `.gitignore` -- + __Large files__ (*.tiff) will run out the repository space (2G GitHub and Bitbucket, 10G GitLab) -- + Binary files (*.pdf, +.docx) can be added but use space and __git won't track detailed modifications__ -- + accept general expressions: `*.pdf` `/docs` `*.docx` `*.xlsx` --- ## from RStudio <svg viewBox="0 0 640 512" style="height:1em;fill:currentColor;position:relative;display:inline-block;top:.1em;" xmlns=""> <path d="M255.03 261.65c6.25 6.25 16.38 6.25 22.63 0l11.31-11.31c6.25-6.25 6.25-16.38 0-22.63L253.25 192l35.71-35.72c6.25-6.25 6.25-16.38 0-22.63l-11.31-11.31c-6.25-6.25-16.38-6.25-22.63 0l-58.34 58.34c-6.25 6.25-6.25 16.38 0 22.63l58.35 58.34zm96.01-11.3l11.31 11.31c6.25 6.25 16.38 6.25 22.63 0l58.34-58.34c6.25-6.25 6.25-16.38 0-22.63l-58.34-58.34c-6.25-6.25-16.38-6.25-22.63 0l-11.31 11.31c-6.25 6.25-6.25 16.38 0 22.63L386.75 192l-35.71 35.72c-6.25 6.25-6.25 16.38 0 22.63zM624 416H381.54c-.74 19.81-14.71 32-32.74 32H288c-18.69 0-33.02-17.47-32.77-32H16c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v16c0 35.2 28.8 64 64 64h512c35.2 0 64-28.8 64-64v-16c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16zM576 48c0-26.4-21.6-48-48-48H112C85.6 0 64 21.6 64 48v336h512V48zm-64 272H128V64h384v256z"></path></svg> + open the RStudio project: `git` tab .pull-left[ ![](./figs/git_status.png) ] --- class: middle, center ## working with _branches_ and _forks_ --- background-image:url("./figs/feature-branch.png") ## feature workflow --- background-image:url("./figs/gitflow.png") ## _gitflow_: protect the branch `main` --- background-image:url("./figs/jennifer_gilbert.png") --- ## working with _branches_ + one user can work in several _branches_ + several users can work at the same repository using different _branches_ + each user can have their own copy of the repository ("_fork_") and still collaborate by `merge` and `pull request` from GitHub --- ## working with _branches_ -- `git branch NAME` to create a _branch_ -- `git checkout NAME` to switch to a different _branch_ -- `git merge branch1 branch2` merge _branches_ --- ## git can be complex <center> ![](figs/conflicts.jpeg) --- ## conflicts + solve manually + clone from zero and fix the errors --- background-image: url(./figs/xkcd.png) class: center, middle --- ## good practices 1. describe in the commit __why__ 1. one big task at each _branch_ 1. use `.gitignore` to ingnore files that shouldn't be tracked (ex. specific OS files) 1. use the mode `diff` to follow changes in the code 1. report code errors in `issues` at GitHub --- ## today: + set git in our computer + converted our RStudio project into a git repository + created a remote repository for our local repository + modified a file and saved in one _commit_ + will start using this workflow structure ![](<!-- --> --- class: center, middle # Β‘Thanks! <center> <svg viewBox="0 0 512 512" style="position:relative;display:inline-block;top:.1em;fill:#A70000;height:1em;" xmlns=""> <path d="M476 3.2L12.5 270.6c-18.1 10.4-15.8 35.6 2.2 43.2L121 358.4l287.3-253.2c5.5-4.9 13.3 2.6 8.6 8.3L176 407v80.5c0 23.6 28.5 32.9 42.5 15.8L282 426l124.6 52.2c14.2 6 30.4-2.9 33-18.2l72-432C515 7.8 493.3-6.8 476 3.2z"></path></svg> []( | []( <svg viewBox="0 0 512 512" style="position:relative;display:inline-block;top:.1em;fill:#A70000;height:1em;" xmlns=""> <path d="M459.37 151.716c.325 4.548.325 9.097.325 13.645 0 138.72-105.583 298.558-298.558 298.558-59.452 0-114.68-17.219-161.137-47.106 8.447.974 16.568 1.299 25.34 1.299 49.055 0 94.213-16.568 130.274-44.832-46.132-.975-84.792-31.188-98.112-72.772 6.498.974 12.995 1.624 19.818 1.624 9.421 0 18.843-1.3 27.614-3.573-48.081-9.747-84.143-51.98-84.143-102.985v-1.299c13.969 7.797 30.214 12.67 47.431 13.319-28.264-18.843-46.781-51.005-46.781-87.391 0-19.492 5.197-37.36 14.294-52.954 51.655 63.675 129.3 105.258 216.365 109.807-1.624-7.797-2.599-15.918-2.599-24.04 0-57.828 46.782-104.934 104.934-104.934 30.213 0 57.502 12.67 76.67 33.137 23.715-4.548 46.456-13.32 66.599-25.34-7.798 24.366-24.366 44.833-46.132 57.827 21.117-2.273 41.584-8.122 60.426-16.243-14.292 20.791-32.161 39.308-52.628 54.253z"></path></svg> [@MortaraSara]( | [@SanchezTapiaA]( <svg viewBox="0 0 496 512" style="position:relative;display:inline-block;top:.1em;fill:#A70000;height:1em;" xmlns=""> <path d="M165.9 397.4c0 2-2.3 3.6-5.2 3.6-3.3.3-5.6-1.3-5.6-3.6 0-2 2.3-3.6 5.2-3.6 3-.3 5.6 1.3 5.6 3.6zm-31.1-4.5c-.7 2 1.3 4.3 4.3 4.9 2.6 1 5.6 0 6.2-2s-1.3-4.3-4.3-5.2c-2.6-.7-5.5.3-6.2 2.3zm44.2-1.7c-2.9.7-4.9 2.6-4.6 4.9.3 2 2.9 3.3 5.9 2.6 2.9-.7 4.9-2.6 4.6-4.6-.3-1.9-3-3.2-5.9-2.9zM244.8 8C106.1 8 0 113.3 0 252c0 110.9 69.8 205.8 169.5 239.2 12.8 2.3 17.3-5.6 17.3-12.1 0-6.2-.3-40.4-.3-61.4 0 0-70 15-84.7-29.8 0 0-11.4-29.1-27.8-36.6 0 0-22.9-15.7 1.6-15.4 0 0 24.9 2 38.6 25.8 21.9 38.6 58.6 27.5 72.9 20.9 2.3-16 8.8-27.1 16-33.7-55.9-6.2-112.3-14.3-112.3-110.5 0-27.5 7.6-41.3 23.6-58.9-2.6-6.5-11.1-33.3 2.6-67.9 20.9-6.5 69 27 69 27 20-5.6 41.5-8.5 62.8-8.5s42.8 2.9 62.8 8.5c0 0 48.1-33.6 69-27 13.7 34.7 5.2 61.4 2.6 67.9 16 17.7 25.8 31.5 25.8 58.9 0 96.5-58.9 104.2-114.8 110.5 9.2 7.9 17 22.9 17 46.4 0 33.7-.3 75.4-.3 83.6 0 6.5 4.6 14.4 17.3 12.1C428.2 457.8 496 362.9 496 252 496 113.3 383.5 8 244.8 8zM97.2 352.9c-1.3 1-1 3.3.7 5.2 1.6 1.6 3.9 2.3 5.2 1 1.3-1 1-3.3-.7-5.2-1.6-1.6-3.9-2.3-5.2-1zm-10.8-8.1c-.7 1.3.3 2.9 2.3 3.9 1.6 1 3.6.7 4.3-.7.7-1.3-.3-2.9-2.3-3.9-2-.6-3.6-.3-4.3.7zm32.4 35.6c-1.6 1.3-1 4.3 1.3 6.2 2.3 2.3 5.2 2.6 6.5 1 1.3-1.3.7-4.3-1.3-6.2-2.2-2.3-5.2-2.6-6.5-1zm-11.4-14.7c-1.6 1-1.6 3.6 0 5.9 1.6 2.3 4.3 3.3 5.6 2.3 1.6-1.3 1.6-3.9 0-6.2-1.4-2.3-4-3.3-5.6-2z"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 512 512" style="position:relative;display:inline-block;top:.1em;fill:#A70000;height:1em;" xmlns=""> <path d="M105.2 24.9c-3.1-8.9-15.7-8.9-18.9 0L29.8 199.7h132c-.1 0-56.6-174.8-56.6-174.8zM.9 287.7c-2.6 8 .3 16.9 7.1 22l247.9 184-226.2-294zm160.8-88l94.3 294 94.3-294zm349.4 88l-28.8-88-226.3 294 247.9-184c6.9-5.1 9.7-14 7.2-22zM425.7 24.9c-3.1-8.9-15.7-8.9-18.9 0l-56.6 174.8h132z"></path></svg> [saramortara]( | [andreasancheztapia](