class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Code styling ] .author[ ### Sara Mortara & Andrea Sánchez-Tapia ] .institute[ ### | ¡liibre! ] .date[ ### 2022-07-21 ] --- <style type="text/css"> .tiny .remark-code { /*Change made here*/ font-size: 50% !important; } </style> ## today ## more about good practices because we like it --- class: middle, inverse, center # standardization --- class: middle, center > "Good coding style is like using correct punctuation. You can manage without it, but it sure makes things easier to read." Hadley Wickham --- ## the style + [Google's R style guide]( + [tidyverse]( + [Advanced R]( independent of the style, the important part is to be consistent! --- ## tools + shortcuts in your favorite editor for automatic identation -- + RStudio: + Ctrl+I `\(\rightarrow\)` Reindent lines + Ctrl+Shift+A `\(\rightarrow\)` Reformat code -- + package __formatR__ --- class: middle, center > There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things. Phil Karlton --- ## function names ``` # Good fit-models.R utility-functions.R # Bad foo.r stuff.r ``` --- ## script names ``` 0-download.R 1-parse.R 2-explore.R ``` --- ## object names consistency above all! + alllowercase <- `plotpca` + period.separated <- `plot.pca` + underscore_separated <- `plot_pca` + lowerCamelCase <- `plotPca` + UpperCamelCase <- `PlotPca` --- ## object names + concisos e com conteúdo + variáveis `\(\rightarrow\)` substantivos + funções `\(\rightarrow\)` verbos --- ## consistency for functions, objects, and files Example: + files: reading_data.R + functions: plotPca.R + variables: --- class: middle, inverse, center # sintax --- ## assigning objects <- ```r #Bad path_to_file = "data/data_raw.csv" data = read.table(file = path_to_file, sep = ",", header = TRUE) #Good path_to_file <- "data/data_raw.csv" data <- read.table(file = path_to_file, sep = ",", header = TRUE) ``` --- ## spacing ```r # Good average <- mean(feet / 12 + inches, na.rm = TRUE) # Bad average<-mean(feet/12+inches,na.rm=TRUE) ``` --- ## spacing exception ```r # Good x <- 1:10 base::get # Bad x <- 1 : 10 base :: get ``` --- ## space after parentheses ```r # Good if (debug) do(x) plot(x, y) # Bad if(debug)do(x) plot (x, y) ``` --- ## space after comma ```r # Bad x[1,] # Good x[1, ] ``` --- ## indentation ```r # Bad data <- read.table(file = path_to_file, sep = ",", header = TRUE) # Not so good data <- read.table(file = path_to_file, sep = ",", header = TRUE) # Better data <- read.table(file = path_to_file, sep = ",", header = TRUE) ``` --- ## braces when we create functions or loops ```r long_function_name <- function(a = "a long argument", b = "another argument", c = "another long argument") { # As usual code is indented by two spaces. } ``` --- ## code separation into sections ```r # reading data #### OR # reading data ---- ## species #### sp <- read.csv("data/especies.csv") ## environment #### env <- read.csv("data/environment.csv") ``` --- class: middle, center, inverse # comments --- ## comments <img src="figs/no_comment.png" width="739" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## comments <img src="figs/code_comment.jpg" width="60%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## comments explain why more than what + communicate what the code __should__ do + comments for another developer or friend + comments to highlight doubts or potential problems + update comments along with content changes --- ## good practices <img src="figs/best_practices.png" width="60%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## good practices 1. be consistent in names -- 3. informatively comment the code -- 2. separate content and format commits --- class: center, middle # ¡Thanks! 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