package is one of the current strongest packages to build thematic maps in R. It has a syntax similar to ggplot and works with sf
There are several sources of administrative boundaries data. We are going to load World
, an internal dataset in contained in package tmap
. It is an sf object.
The quickest map in tmap
can be done like this:
A simple examination with head()
, str()
or dplyr::glimpse()
can tell us the class, dimensions, and other characteristics of object World.
What happens when you execute plot(World)? How would you plot only one of the variables? What happens when you execute
A key difference between data frames and sf objects is the presence of geometry
, that looks like a column when printing the summary of any sf object
head(World[, 1:4])
Simple feature collection with 6 features and 4 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension: XY
Bounding box: xmin: -73.41544 ymin: -55.25 xmax: 75.15803 ymax: 42.68825
Geodetic CRS: WGS 84
iso_a3 name sovereignt continent
1 AFG Afghanistan Afghanistan Asia
2 AGO Angola Angola Africa
3 ALB Albania Albania Europe
4 ARE United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates Asia
5 ARG Argentina Argentina South America
6 ARM Armenia Armenia Asia
1 MULTIPOLYGON (((61.21082 35...
2 MULTIPOLYGON (((16.32653 -5...
3 MULTIPOLYGON (((20.59025 41...
4 MULTIPOLYGON (((51.57952 24...
5 MULTIPOLYGON (((-65.5 -55.2...
6 MULTIPOLYGON (((43.58275 41...
When calling World$geometry
, however, we perceive it’s not a single column. Actually, geometries are a class in their own, sfc
We don’t need to understand the deep structure of geometry right now, the sf
package has extensive vignettes you can explore. For practical purposes, the existence of geometries and sf objects like data.frames facilitates a lot the manipulation of sf
objects, including extracting and assigning geometries to existant data frames and the possibility to drop the geometries, (literally, function sf::st_drop_geometry()
and use the data frame)
X Y L1 L2 L3
[1,] 61.21082 35.65007 1 1 1
[2,] 62.23065 35.27066 1 1 1
[3,] 62.98466 35.40404 1 1 1
[4,] 63.19354 35.85717 1 1 1
[5,] 63.98290 36.00796 1 1 1
[6,] 64.54648 36.31207 1 1 1
no_geom <- sf::st_drop_geometry(World)
[1] "data.frame"
#bounding boxes
xmin ymin xmax ymax
-180.00000 -89.90000 179.99999 83.64513
For practical purposes, sf objects work like data.frames or tibbles, you can subset, filter, merge, join, and create new variables.
For example, imagine I want to plot only countries in South America or have different colors for them
You can filter depending on the columns, for example, all the countries in South America:
[1] "iso_a3" "name" "sovereignt" "continent"
[5] "area" "pop_est" "pop_est_dens" "economy"
[9] "income_grp" "gdp_cap_est" "life_exp" "well_being"
[13] "footprint" "inequality" "HPI" "geometry"
[1] Asia Africa
[3] Europe South America
[5] Antarctica Seven seas (open ocean)
[7] Oceania North America
8 Levels: Africa Antarctica Asia Europe North America ... South America
World %>%
filter(continent == "South America") %>%
tm_shape() +
You can also create new variables and use them in your maps:
World %>%
mutate(our_countries = if_else(iso_a3 %in% c("COL","BRA", "MEX"), "red", "grey")) %>%
tm_shape() +
tm_borders() +
tm_fill(col = "our_countries") +
col = "red")
objects are going to be replaced with sf
objects and packages rgdal
, rgeos
will be archived by the end of 2023. However, it is extremely possible that the data and tutorials you find use sp objects rather than sf and that you may have to go transform them into sf objects (function sf::st_as_sf()
bra <- ne_states(country = "brazil", returnclass = "sf")
dir.create("data/shapefiles", recursive = TRUE)
st_write(obj = bra, dsn = "data/shapefiles/bra.shp", delete_layer = TRUE)
Deleting layer `bra' using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
Writing layer `bra' to data source
`data/shapefiles/bra.shp' using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
Writing 27 features with 83 fields and geometry type Multi Polygon.
Check the files that are created: .shp, .shx, .dbf, .cpg, prj.
To read again this shapefile, you would execute:
dir.create(path = "data/raster/", recursive = TRUE)
tmax_data <- getData(name = "worldclim", var = "tmax", res = 10, path = "data/raster/")
is(tmax_data) #the data are a raster stack, several rasters piled
[1] "RasterStack" "Raster" "RasterStackBrick"
[4] "BasicRaster"
[1] 900 2160 12
class : Extent
xmin : -180
xmax : 180
ymin : -60
ymax : 90
[1] 0.1666667 0.1666667
This is really the tip of the iceberg. Choose your own adventure:
Palettes in map are key to convey the information.
Gradual, divergent or categorical
Color-blind safe!
Options: https://colorbrewer2.org, with a helper package in R, RColorBrewer
#| eval: false
display.brewer.all(type = "seq")
display.brewer.all(type = "div")