class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Creating R packages ] .subtitle[ ## Serrapilheira/ICTP-SAIFR Training Program in Quantitative Biology and Ecology ] .author[ ### Andrea Sánchez-Tapia & Sara Mortara ] .date[ ### 9 Ago 2022 ] --- background-image: url("figs/logo.png") background-position: 90% 5% background-size: 100px background-image: url("figs/chevron.png") background-position: 98% 2% background-size: 150px ### Why create R packages? + R philosophy: smooth transition from user to developer -- + Movement towards __diversifying the backgrounds of the developers__ -- + Useful to share __sets of functions__ with a similar purpose, clean and usable __datasets__, __internal functions__ in labs or companies, or whole analyses -- + __Learning experience__ about portability, transparency, testing, contribution and collaboration -- + Knowing how packages are built allows you to __contribute__ to other people's packages --- background-image: url("figs/rpackages.png") background-size: 250px background-position: 90% 50% ## An R package + Has a special folder structure and files + Specific documentation for functions, datasets, vignettes, and additional articles + Needs a license + Can be built using tests + Submission to CRAN or keeping in GitHub --- # File structure ```bash . ├── .buildignore # Binary files and folders that won't be built *├── DESCRIPTION *├── NAMESPACE *├── R/ # Functions *├── man/ # Documentation ├── data/ # For data, called like: data(cars) ├── inst/ # Installation files ├── vignettes/ └── ``` + Some elements are mandatory (DESCRIPTION, NAMESPACE, R/, man/) + New project inside RStudio + Package __usethis__: `usethis::create_package()` --- ## Notes: + DESCRIPTION is edited by hand + Functions need to be documented inside each `.R` file, the rest of the files are created automatically by packages __devtools__ and __roxygen2__ + Package __roxygen2__ will transform comments in `.R` into documentation inside `/man` and will fill the NAMESPACE, indicating which functions will be __imported__ or __exported__ by the package --- background-image: url("figs/devtools.png") background-position: 98% 2% background-size: 150px ## During package development + The documentation is built using `devtools::document()`. + Check how the function populates the `/man` subfolder. -- + When your package is not installed but you want to check it, __load it__: `devtools::load_all()` -- + CRAN makes some automatic checks when you submit. Run these tests early and often, so you don't have trouble at the end: `devtools::check()` -- + A package can be installed directly from GitHub `remotes::install_github("profile/nameofthepackage")` --- ## More features + You can add tests for the functions with __testthat__ -- + You can create a website for your package using __pkgdown__ -- + Package __usethis__ automatizes lots of actions and creates the files needed to use __GitHub actions__ <center> <img src="figs/pkgdown.png" width="154" /><img src="figs/usethis.png" width="154" /><img src="figs/testthat.png" width="160" /> </center>