Pre-course instructions


July 5, 2022


Before the course, we recommend to install R, Rstudio and git.

Install R

Go to the R page, choose a mirror (closest to where you are) and follow the instructions to install R accoding your Operating System

Install R Studio

For teaching purposes, we adopt in this course the editor RStudio. Download and install R Studio Desktop into your computer. If you are already familiar with R and want to use a different text editor, fell free to use it. However, all the examples and exercises during class will be using RStudio.

Install git and create a github page

Create a github page for you if you still don’t have it.

Install git in your computer.

Follow the following commands to set global user definitions.

git config --global "Jane Doe"
git config --global

Install R packages

We will need the following R packages installed.

Open RStudio and run the command below in your R console.

packages <- c("tidyverse", "reshape2", "ggplot2", "lme4", "deSolve", "GillespieSSA", "GGally")
for (package in packages) {
  if (!package %in% installed.packages()) install.packages(package)



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