Final course evaluation

Andrea Sánchez-Tapia & Sara Mortara

Open Data Analysis project (60%)

Show us your work! We want the content of the course to be useful to your own workflows. We expect you to create a new GitHub repository containing an Open Data Analysis project. The project is not supposed to be a thesis, dissertation, or manuscript but a short project describing a specific analysis and everything a reader needs to reproduce it. This includes:

We expect you to be a clear and open about your goals, methods, and results. Mostly, we expect you to be a good collaborator for yourself from the future and others in the present and the future.

Please create this repository in the GitHub organization You can transfer the repository to your own account if you wish to do that later.

We will check:

Course repository (30%)

In addition to this, we expect you to have the GitHub repository containing the scripts used during the course. This is the repository you created on day #2 and kept updating throughout the course.

We will check:

  1. if you have a coherent folder structure
  2. if you have a complete and updated course repository
  3. extra: if you made the map using tmap package in session 10.

Note: This repo should be the same that you already have, so don’t spend a lot of time taking care of the beauty of the commit history, just update and correct what you already have. Just tell us the name to know where to find it in your personal profile (not the organization’s).

The foo package (10%)

…or its equivalent, no matter how you named it or what the contents are. If it’s the simple function we used in the example, that’s ok. If it’s something more or something different that you wanted to add, that’s perfect.

Just let us know the name and URL of that repo in your personal profile.

Grading method

We won’t be grading how good or bad the question you are addressing is. We will grade based on how you applied what you learned during the course according to the criteria listed under each item.


Text and figures are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0. The figures that have been reused from other sources don't fall under this license and can be recognized by a note in their caption: "Figure from ...".